
Control Flow

Different ways to write for loop in Julia lang.

Control Flow

The for loop

To iterate over the elements within an array, there are several different ways to write the code. Now suppose we have such an array: a = copy(reshape(1:16, 4, 4))

4×4 Matrix{Int64}:
 1  5   9  13
 2  6  10  14
 3  7  11  15
 4  8  12  16

1. eachindex(a)

In Julia, matrices are stored column-first. Hence, eachindex() iterates over matrix a in column order.

  • eachindex() returns the index of each element of a matrix, of type Int
for i in eachindex(a)
    println("Index: $i, Element: $(a[i])")
Index: 1, Element: 1
Index: 2, Element: 2
Index: 3, Element: 3
Index: 4, Element: 4
Index: 5, Element: 5
Index: 6, Element: 6

2. a

  • in a returns each element of a matrix, of type eltype(a)
for element in a
    println("Element: $element")

3. pairs(a)

The pairs() function, when used as an iterator, can iterate not only over arrays, but also over Pairs and dictionaries.

  • pairs(a::Vector) returns a pair of index and value, of type Tuple{Int,eltype(a)}
  • pairs(a::Matrix) returns a pair of index and value, of type Tuple{CartesianIndex{2},eltype(a)}
  • pairs(::Dict) returns a pair of key and value, of type Tuple{eltype(a.keys),eltype(a.vals)}

A [println("Index: $i, Element: $element") for (i, element) in pairs(a)] gives:

Index: CartesianIndex(1, 1), Element: 1
Index: CartesianIndex(2, 1), Element: 2
Index: CartesianIndex(3, 1), Element: 3
Index: CartesianIndex(4, 1), Element: 4
Index: CartesianIndex(1, 2), Element: 5
Index: CartesianIndex(2, 2), Element: 6

4. enumerate(a)

The first parameter i produced by enumerate is the index of natural number starting from 1.

A [println("Index: $i, Element: $element") for (i, element) in enumerate(a)] gives:

Index: 1, Element: 1
Index: 2, Element: 2
Index: 3, Element: 3
Index: 4, Element: 4
Index: 5, Element: 5
Index: 6, Element: 6

5. axes(a,n)

This function iterates over the nth axis of array a.

for element in axes(a, 1)
    println("Element: $element")
Element: 1
Element: 2
Element: 3
Element: 4

Creating Iterators

An iterator can be created using parentheses wrapped around an array and a for loop -> (a[i] for i in a)

For example, we can create a row index iterator for matrix x:

x = rand(1000, 4);
eachrow_x = (x[i:i, :] for i in axes(x, 1));
eachrow_x = (view(x, i:i, :) for i in axes(x, 1));
eachrow_x = eachrow(x);
for (i, xi) in enumerate(eachrow_x)
    println("Index: $i, Element: $element")
    xi[1] = 0.0
  • Line 2 let the for loop performs a slicing operation on the matrix x at each iteration, producing a new vector for which a memory allocation occurs.

  • Lines 3 and 4 are equivalent iterators that let the for loop produce a row view of the matrix x per iteration. No memory allocation.

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